EZ Viewer DCM v4

Digital Photo Manager

What do you do with the hundreds, maybe thousands of photos you have taken with your digital camera, video or other digital files you have collected? How do you find photos you are looking for? Do you even remember what you have? Long directories and cryptic filenames no longer work for you. Well now EZ Viewer DCM v4 Digital Content Manager is here to help you locate the specific photos that you are looking for. Just use the Search Wizard, type in your keywords and viola!!! you'll have the photo you want in a snap..

for MS Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, Vista

Photo Manager Software to Find photos fast

EZ Viewer DCM v4 Photo Management Software Purchase Page

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You will be forwarded to PayPal.com to complete your purchase. You do not need to create a Paypal account to pay for your purchase, just press the Continue button below the Visa - Master Card Logos and you can pay with your credit card.
NOTE-1: When you have reached the end of the PayPal process, print a copy of the receipt, then Press the Return To GJC Software Link or Button on that page. You will be returned to our web site and given instant access to the software. If you do not do this it can take from 24 - 48 hrs to receive this information.

NOTE-2: Please pay attention to which product you order. At this time all orders are download only. Orders for the boxed product will be shipped on Ver. 4.5 as we anticipate many changes in the next few months. You can also order the Boxed Disk after it has been released as a separate item.

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EZ Viewer DCM Price List (Effective July 15, 2008)

  • EZ Viewer DCM v4 New User Download $139.95 US
  • EZ Viewer DCM v4 New User Boxed $149.95 + S&H US
  • EZ Viewer DCM v4 Upgrade* Download $99.95 US
  • EZ Viewer DCM v4 Upgrade* Boxed $109.95 + S&H US

* Upgrade from EZ Viewer Version 3 Only

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